Privacy Policy

For Digital Photo Frame


This site is a service/platform provider for intelligent device manufactures. We provide an Internet based interface between intelligent devices and the App. This privacy policy describes the information we collect from the data we pass to digital photo frame.

Information we collect

According to the terms of services describes, we will collect user's photo from the Wifi Frame App, and pass the photo to user's digital photo frame.

How we use information we collect

The information (photo) we collected will be temporally saved to our server provided by Alibaba. Once the photo was passed to the digital photo frame, the photo will be permanently deleted from our server.

Information Security

Our service (digital center) is located at Alibaba, which means the users's photos were temporally saved at Alibaba, meanwhile the information security assurance is also provided by Alibaba.

The data (photo) transmission between Alibaba server and App, and the transmission between Alibaba server and digital frame are encrypted by SSL via HTTPS.

We will forever NOT share users information to ANY other organizations, parties, companies, persons for ANY purpose.

When this Privacy Policy applies

This policy applies since the draft day (April 21, 2017), and it will be reviewed annually to ensure the policy is up-to-date. If there is any change of this privacy policy, all users will be informed via email that register on our server.

-The End-